Portsmouth Lorry Driver Training

3a Off-Road Excercises-100

The city of Portsmouth is a thriving hub and destination for the UK logistics network. The city provides one of the UK primary freight ports, travelling worldwide, and as a result, has a high demand for HGV lorry drivers in and around Portsmouth. Portsmouth also boasts many career opportunities for aspiring and seasoned LGV/HGV lorry … Read more

PCV 101

The D1 licence, also known as a PCV (Passenger Carrying Vehicle) licence is designed to allow drivers to carry up to 16 passengers in a vehicle which falls under this category. A PCV licence can be gained through the correct procedures and the appropriate training. When gaining your minibus licence entitlement, you must be able ... Read more

Training for your Trailer Licence

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If you are looking for an upskill opportunity, then you may be contemplating about expanding your licence entitlements. This could be for a better career progression, or because it is necessary for your daily requirements or needs. What do you need to know about the trailer licence cost and acquisition? What Does Trailer Look Like ... Read more

HGV 101

truck- HGV 101
The HGV, also called a lorry or LGV, has evolved significantly from its original form as a Heavy goods vehicle. These are used greatly in the transporting of mass materials, products and equipment. Whether you have extensive knowledge about these vehicle categories, or if you are looking to become an HGV driver, but want to ... Read more

The History of Logistics

You can define logistics as “the planning, implementation, and coordination of the details of a business or other operation”. Coined in the 1800s, the term “logistics” derives from the French word “logistique” or “loger”, which translates to storage. Logistics handles the movements of products, materials or goods from one destination, to another. This highlights how ... Read more

Road Safety- Know Your Zones

HGV Safety on Motorway
According to the reported road casualties in Great Britain: year ending June 2022, there were an estimated 1,760 fatalities in reported road collisions. The World Health Organization state that Approximately 1.3 million people die on our roads around the world, and 20 - 50 million are injured every year. Road traffic crashes are a major ... Read more